Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Here are a couple of videos of the kids.

Kayla is a true girl!! She is about everything that girls like to do.. her newest thing is dancing. I bought her this little leotard at a garage sale and she just LOVES it! Here she is.. my Kayla Ballerina!

Shane is a true boy!! I got him a skateboard for $5 at a garage sale. He loves it and it seems to come second nature to him.. he falls and gets right back up on it!


Anonymous said...

ohh.....I loved her plie!! How CUTE!! Was she picking a wedgie?? That's what I do when I wear a leotard..LOL!! I'll have to come back to watch Shane skateboard. His is unavailable.

Anonymous said...

Shane is doing so well!!!

Brian and Nicole said...

What a pretty ballarina! Love the twirls. And Shane looks like he is picking up the board pretty quick, too!