Wednesday, July 16, 2008

One more milestone out of the way!! I passed my Citizenship test! I was so nervous going into that office. They just make it sound and look so intimidating! Let me say, it SO wasn't! The lady who interviewed me and gave me my test was the sweestest lady ever.. she even told me that she has been known to repeat a question up to 5 times! Well, lets just say that there was no need for her to do any repeating.. the questions were super simple! After it was all said and done, she gave me a paper that stated that I passed my English and Civics tests and checked the box that stated "recommended for approval", which I guess is good since the only other box stated "needs further review".

So now, I have to will for a letter to come in the mail, which could get here any time between now and September. It will state where and when I need to go take the oath. Its not over yet, but I am almost there!!

What a blessed day this way! I am so thrilled to be one step closer to becoming an American Citizen!


Brian and Nicole said...

Yea! I am so glad that went smoothly for you. I missed you girls last night, but Starlight was great too.


Jodi said...

Yeah I am really happy for you. Hope that letter comes soon.

Rachel said...

Congratulations, Juliana!