We finished planting our flowers!! Every year, Jim and I plant annuals in the front of our house. We love the way they bloom and they make the house look bright and welcoming. Jim came home last night with this crazy idea of going to the car races at the Grain Valley dirt track. I just wasn't in the mood. Mostly because Kayla has had very busy days lately and not napping for very long, so I knew that it would have been a tougher evening on me and her with all the noise and the dirt. We decided to go eat at Culver's instead and then run to Home Depot to buy some more flowers so we could finish the other side of the front of our house. I will have to add more pictures of them a few months from now so you can see how huge and beautiful they get. I have been blessed to be married to a man with a HUGE green thumb! It is very rewarding!!
Also, since we were in Florida on Mother's Day, I got to get my gift today as well. Jim hung these beautiful flowers baskets on the outside of my kitchen window. He did a little improvising, and attached little humingbird feeders underneath the baskets. He is so clever!!
The boys got to go the races tonight instead. The race got rained out in Grain Valley, so they got to go to Warrensburg. Kayla and I get to spend some girl time together.. although, she is pretty tired, so she might end up going to bed pretty early. That means I get a few quiet hours ALL TO MYSELF!! I can hear the tub calling my name!!
Here are some pictures of our flowers.

I must admit..your house was the first house I noticed when moved here!! It looks so LOVELY!!!!
Looks great and looks like you guys had a very productive weekend! See you in the morning!
Everything looks so great. Love it. It was fun hanging out today.
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