My neighbour Heather called me this afternoon to see if my kids wanted to go to the pool. During the summer my kids and hers spend everyday over there. They opened the pool last weekend (Memorial Day Weekend) and after thinking about for a minute I decided we should go, knowing that it would be pretty cold. I called over to Jamie's since Shane was playing over there (of course!) and to invite Ryan to come along with us. The kids were fired up and ready to go! They all had a great time despite the fact that the water was absolutly FREEZING!! They had a hose adding more water to the pool and that water was SO cold! But, I guess at their age, kids will do just about anything in the name of fun!!
Here are some pics of the kids. Shane, Ryan and Kayla at the outside of the pool and inside Daniel and Alison.

My daughter was so cold. She wanted so bad to go in the water, but everytime I would touch her feet to the water, she would get mad.. then she would get mad and point at the water! Here she is on the step.. at least she got a little wet!
Ryan said "It was freezing cold until you went under the water!" and then he said "That vest didn't give me a wedgie!" Thanks for taking him! I HATE swimming so it's one less time I gotta do it!
Brrrr. I cant believe it is already that time.
This makes me want to go to a pool right now! I am still trying to decide how I am going to manage Tatum and Grace both in the water -- Grace is a maniac.
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