We have been trying to enjoy our summer as much as we can. When the weather is nice, we are out all the time. The kids are both getting tanned! We made it to the pool this past weekend and it was packed with kids. I guess I knew our neighbourhood was young, but I never realized how young! There are so many parents with young kids! It is great going to the pool here. The kids always have someone to play with.. and its nice for Jim and I because we get to meet some new people.
Last night was pretty hectic. Jim took the kids to the gym and I went to go get my nails done. It was raining so hard that I didn't make it home till almost 8:30pm. Good thing Jim had gotten home around 8 and had started on dinner.. a nice combo of deep fried chicken nuggets and french fries on his little fry daddy. I told him while he was at it that he should just fry up some chimichangas. My house smelled like a Mexican restaurant!!
Since it was such a busy night last night, and Shane didn't really get to spend as much time with Jim, he told Shane that he would let him help him shave his hair. Lets just say that it was pretty interesting. Here are some pictures!!
Jim is one BRAVE Daddy!!!
Very brave. Glad Shane is enjoying summer school. Ben starts on Monday.
Jim & Juliana - I just logged onto your site for the first time & let me tell you - you are in trouble. Your daughter is beautiful. Good thing she is going to have an older bro to look out for her!! I also think it is the coolest freakin' thing to get shane into cutting daddy's hair. I bet he thinks that is the greates thing in the world!! Your bud - Dmoore
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