Its Memorial Day weekend, can you guys believe it? Almost the end of May! The weather is FINALLY getting nicer! One of the things that I have been wanting to get for the kids since we moved here in Dec 05, is a swingset! Our next door neighbours were kind enough to give us their old beat up, metal swingset, but it is time for a new one. It is a "birthday" present for Shane, or at least that is how we justify buying it!! His birthday is not till June 23rd, but we have had so many nice days that a swingset would be wonderful to have for the kids. Brian came over last night to help Jim start on it and is back again here this morning. Mark called this morning asking how come Jim hadn't called him yet? I guess he was also ready to get to work! Thank goodness for friends!! How else would anyone get anything done?!?
Shane is finally playing with Ryan after a few days of Ryan being secluded from the world with Strep! Poor little guy. Lets just say that the reunion couldn't have come soon enough. Shane was going through Ryan withdrawl! It rained so much last night the ground is absolutly soaked this morning, so the boys played the Ben 10 videogame and hot wheels. Kayla kept bugging them!! Luckly, the weather changed and the kids got to try out the swingset! It figures that my camera died after they were finished! Oh well, the grand finale picture to come tomorrow!!
Bye Bye pityful swingset!

So much work...

Making progress before breaking for lunch!

Kayla loves going down the slide!

The boys put it to the test!

Here are the boys playing with the Hot Wheels and defeating the dragon!!
Look at those smiles!!! I can't believe I missed it! Although, not really with all that texting while I was trapped in the back seat of the crazy bus! How fun! I can't wait to see it first hand.
Looks awesome. They are gonna love that.
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