My son graduated from preschool today. Made me a little sad. It didn't really hit me till the evening when I got really teary eyed thinking about it. He is such a great kid right now.. I wish I could just slow time down and enjoy this time even more. I don't want to think of him as a teenager or an adult and everything that may come with that. I just want him to be my little BOY!! Anyways, here is a picture of Shane at his little graduation. I had to take it with my phone since I forgot my camera at home and had a hectic morning and couldn't make it back home to get it.. :( At least my phone takes decent pictures!
Shane also had his soccer awards ceremony tonight. It was a fun time. Shane feels really proud when someone tells him he is doing a great job, and that is just what his coach did. Well, it was more along the lines of "This player scored lots of goals and ran some players over, which is alright to do in soccer!". Shane had a big smile of his face because I am sure all he heard was "lots of goals"!
Here he is with his trophey!
aww!! I'm so glad I didn't have to take it too seriously! I'll have a hard enough time letting him go next year!!
How sweet and scarey!! That means Kayla and Taylor are another year closer to preschool!!
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