I can't believe it!! My son turns 5 today! I was just telling Jim last night that it is amazing to think that he has been a part of our lives for 5 years (and nine months!). He has turned out to be such a cool kid! I just adore and love him to pieces!!
He stayed home from summer school today.. I thought it was appropriate! He was a little confused when he woke up and asked me when everyone was going to get here.. we are having his birthday party next Saturday, so I guess that is confusing for him. I told him "5 more sleeps and everyone will come over to celebrate with you!" He understood it a little better and I quickly changed to subject to, "lets go to Walmart and pick out a new toy!" He was all smiles after that! He picked out a Bakugan toy (amazing all the stuff he is into now!) and he hasn't put it down since!
Kayla played with him for the longest time until it was time for her to take a nap and Shane looked a little releaved since he could now have his new toy all to himself! We also picked out a new toy for Kayla and we bought some brownie mix and decorations to make his little cake for tonight.. we are saving the big cake for his party.
Here is the cake we make together!
I asked Shane what he wanted to eat for his birthday dinner, and of course, like the child after my own heart that he is, he said pasta! So I made some yummy pasta and when we were all done, we sang happy birthday and gave Shane his presents.
Last week we gave Shane one of his gifts in advance.. it was something that was sort of hard to keep from him... he has been enjoying it SO much!!
Happy Birthday SHANE!!! Looks like he LOVED his day and I love the picture of him on the floor. His smile is so stinking cute!!!
So much fun. Its like he gets to bdays. Love it.
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