Thursday, June 12, 2008

The day started a little hectic today.. things were just difficult! Ever have those days? Things just don't go right? I didn't let that slow me down though! We met up at Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead today. I kept Shane home from Summer School so he could go as well. There were a total of 6 moms and 10 kids between all of us!! I had never taken the kids there before. It was a lot of fun for the kids with there being so much for them to do! We will have to make another trip, because although we were there for almost 3 hours, we still didn't see everything there was to see. As usual I took a lot of pictures! Here are some of them!

Kayla feeding the goats and Shane petting the goats!
June 2008 008June 2008 010

Here they are at the school house wearing the dunce cap! I think it suits them both!
June 2008 021 June 2008 020

Here they are learning all about cows!
June 2008 028 June 2008 026

Shane got to ride on a pony, but Kayla wasn't old enough yet. Here Shane is on a pony that looked too small for him! And on the next pic they are feeding the baby goats with a bottle.
June 2008 036 June 2008 043


Anonymous said...

I LOVE that place!!! We'll go with ya! We go several times during the summer. Even if the goats DO make your hand stink! LOL!!!

Jodi said...

We went for the first time last year and are ready to go again. I love places like that.