This is a blog for our family and friends to know what is going on in our daily lives!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
My little Kayla is not so little anymore. I look at her lately and I have to do a double take. Its strange because I see her everyday, and yet sometimes it catches me by surprise when she says and repeats certain words or when she imitates me, (which she is doing A LOT!) When we play together, I have been calling her " my little mommy". She trades with me and pretends that I am the baby and she is the mommy. She loves it! She will cover me with a blanket, and pretend to feed me.. and she will give me tonnes of kisses.. and then she tells me "I wove you mommy!".. Its funny because she will act like me, but she will still call me mommy and not baby! She is so nurturing and affectionate, I just love it. As many of you know, she enjoys to sing. I took another video of her in one of her brilliant performances.. Here it is, Twinkle, twinkle, little star!
I also wanted to post some updated pictures of my beautiful flowers. They look incredible and my green thumb Jim, has been keeping them well watered during there really hot days we have been having.
awww!!! Your little Kayla Bean is so cute!!! I love her eyes and mouth when she's saying Love you!! I want her to sing me a song next time I see her!! And the flowers look gorgeous! I purposely drive out of the neighborhood that way so I can look at them!
awww!!! Your little Kayla Bean is so cute!!! I love her eyes and mouth when she's saying Love you!! I want her to sing me a song next time I see her!! And the flowers look gorgeous! I purposely drive out of the neighborhood that way so I can look at them!
Your flowers look awesome. Mine didnt fair so well in the heat. She looks so cute singing. Faith kept making me play it again for her.
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