The kids enjoyed themselves a lot this morning. They asked me to build them a tent in the living room, and I have to say that they had a blast! Amazing how much imagination these little kids have!
Jim is leaving SUPER early tomorrow morning to go to Indianapolis for the Nascar race. He is meeting his dad up there and will not be coming back till Monday. :( It is always so hard when he is gone.. we miss him SO much. But with that being said, I do pray that he has a safe drive, that the weather turns out great and that he has a memorable and wonderful experience!!
As soon as he got home tonight he realized that he forgot his cell phone charger at work, so he needed to run back out there to grab it before he left in the morning. We all hoped in the car at 6pm and rode with him to his office. He promised the kids ice cream since it put a small damper on some quality time with them. Needless to say, they enjoyed that!! They were covered in ice cream, and had to go straight to the tub when they were done!!
What great summertime things to do!! Forts and Ice cream!!! I hope Jim has fun and that you survive your Jim-withdrawl!! hahaha...Just enjoy having the bed to hog all by yourself. That'll make it easier!
Yummy icecream that was a good deal. I always make my forts with chairs and stuff your way looked a little easier.
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